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PAINEL 3 - Networking with TheNetworkingChannel: how Brazilian students (and faculty) would best benefit from the Channel

Wednesday, August 18, 2021 | 18:00PM - 20:00PM



Edmundo Souza e Silva
Edmundo Albuquerque de Souza e Silva, Ph.D.

Edmundo de Souza e Silva é Engenheiro Eletrônico, Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica pela PUC-RJ, e PhD em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade da Califórnia, Los Angeles (UCLA). Edmundo foi professor/pesquisador visitante de renomados centros de pesquisa e universidades, incluindo IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, UCLA Department of Computer Science, Politecnico di Torino, IRISA/INRIA-Rennes.  Foi co-presidente do Comitê Técnico de Programa de importantes conferências internacionais do IEEE, ACM e IFIP, incluindo IEEE/Globecom'1999, ITC'2001, ACM/Sigmetrics'2002, IEEE/Infocom'2009. No Brasil, foi Presidente do Comitê de Programa do SBRC'1998. Edmundo foi eleito para o ACM/SIGMETRICS Board of Directors por 2 períodos (2001-2005), e Chair do IFIP WG 7.3 de Jan/2008 a Jul/2014. Edmundo pertence ao Editorial Board do Journal of Internet Services and Applications desde 2011 e do ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems. Foi membro do Comitê Assessor do CNPq, na CAPES foi Coordenador-Adjunto e Coodenador de Área de Ciência da Computação nos triênios 2002-2005 e 2008-2010, respectivamente.  Atualmente é Professor Titular do Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação da COPPE/UFRJ. As suas áreas de interesse incluem modelagem e análise de sistemas de computação e redes de computadores. Edmundo é pesquisador I-A do CNPq. Recebeu a honraria Sócio Destaque do Ano da SBC em 2011 e o Prêmio Destaque SBRC/SBC 2012. Em 2017 recebeu o título "Construtores da Internet" da RNP.  Em 2020 foi um dos homenageados com o prêmio "Destaques em Governança da Internet no Brasil" do Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil.  Desde 2000 é Cientista do Nosso Estado da FAPERJ. É membro da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, membro da Academia Nacional de Engenharia e em 2008 recebeu a comenda da Ordem Nacional de Mérito Científico.


Jim Kurose, Ph.D.

Jim Kurose is a Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and Associate Chancellor for Partnerships and Innovation at the University of Massachusetts. His research interests are in the areas of computer networks, network measurement, and multimedia systems.  He received his Ph.D. in computer science from Columbia University and BA in physics from Wesleyan University. He has held several visiting scientist positions in the US and abroad, including the Sorbonne University, INRIA, and IBM Research. He is proud to have mentored and taught an amazing group of students and to have received many awards for his research, teaching, and service, including the IEEE Infocom Award, the ACM SIGCOMM Lifetime Achievement Award, the ACM Sigcomm Test of Time Award, and the IEEE Computer Society Taylor Booth Education Medal. With Keith Ross, he is the co-author of the best-selling textbook, Computer Networking: a Top-Down Approach (Pearson), now in its 8th edition. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a Fellow of the ACM and the IEEE. From 2015 to 2019, Jim served as Assistant Director at the US National Science Foundation. He led the Directorate of Computer and Information Science and Engineering and served in the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

Mattew Ceasar
Mattew Ceasar, Ph.D.

Matthew Caesar is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Director of Education for ACM SIGCOMM. He received his Ph.D. at UC Berkeley in 2007. Prior to his Ph.D, he spent several years as an engineer in the telecom sector (Nokia, Diamond Lane, HP). He has worked in the area of network security for over two decades, publishing over 50 technical papers, which appear in highly selective academic conferences and have resulted in multiple best paper awards. Matthew has led over $5M in research initiatives in this space, including a $2.4M DARPA MRC initiative on next-generation security for cloud networking. He received the NSF CAREER award (2011), DARPA CSSG membership (2011), is a CAS Fellow (2013), and received the "Test of Time Award" from the USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation for his foundational contributions to software-defined networking. Matthew has a long history of successful technology transfer. He served as Co-Founder and President of Veriflow Systems Inc., which was sold to VMware in 2019. At AT&T he co-developed the Routing Control Platform, a route management technology that remains in daily use in their North American IP backbone. At Microsoft, he co-developed Virtual Ring Routing, which was incorporated as part of the mesh connectivity layer in Microsoft Windows. Matthew has worked extensively with the US Department of Defense, through participation in the DARPA CSSG program, and holds a Top Secret security clearance.


Serge Fdida
Serge Fdida, Ph.D.

Serge Fdida is a Professor at Sorbonne Université (formally with UPMC) since 1995. His research interests are related to future internet technology and architecture. He has led many research projects in Future Networking in France and Europe, notably pioneering the European activity on federated Internet testbeds. He is currently leading the Equipex FIT, a large-scale testbed on the Future Internet of Things. Serge Fdida has published numerous scientific papers, in addition to several patents and one RFC. He is a Distinguished ACM Member and an IEEE Senior member. He was one of the founders of the ACM Conext conference, general chair of ACM Mobicom 2015 and IEEE Infocom 2019. Serge Fdida has also developed a strong experience related to innovation and industry transfer - he was the co-founder of the Qosmos company - one of the active contributors to creating the Cap Digital cluster in Paris, and currently the President of the EIT Health French community. He held various community and management responsibilities in various organizations, including Sorbonne Université and CNRS. Serge Fdida is Vice-President for International Development of Sorbonne University.

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